Working with Docker¶
Set up the Docker Host¶
If you skipped the Demo VM, make sure the ubuntu blueprints are loaded:
sudo respkg -i contractor-ubuntu-base_*.respkg
First we need a Docker host, we will create a Ubuntu VM and request docker be installed during the OS install, the foundation is the same as the VM install:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/$FMDL
{ "site": "$SITE", "locator": "docker01", "blueprint": "$FBP" $FDATA }
{"locator": "docker01", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/FoundationBluePrint:virtualbox-vm-base:", "id_map": null, "located_at": null, "built_at": null, "updated": "2019-11-22T17:06:30.236870+00:00", "created": "2019-11-22T17:06:30.236883+00:00", "virtualbox_complex": "/api/v1/VirtualBox/VirtualBoxComplex:demovbox:", "virtualbox_uuid": null, "state": "planned", "type": "VirtualBox", "class_list": "['VM', 'VirtualBox']"
create the interface:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Utilities/RealNetworkInterface
{ "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:docker01:", "name": "eth0", "physical_location": "eth0", "network": "$NETWORK", "is_provisioning": true }
{"name": "eth0", "is_provisioning": true, "network": "/api/v1/Utilities/Network:2:", "updated": "2019-11-22T17:06:46.733288+00:00", "created": "2019-11-22T17:06:46.733313+00:00", "mac": null, "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:docker01:", "physical_location": "eth0", "link_name": null, "pxe": null}
Next we need to create a VM with Docker installed. If we were doing a simple one-off we could set the config values for this structure directly. However this one is a little bit more involved, and makes a good example of rolling your own blueprint. First we need to make a blue print file, edit /root/dockerhost.toml, and paste this into it:
[ structure.docker-host ]
description = 'Docker Host'
parents = [ 'ubuntu-bionic-base' ]
[ structure.docker-host.config_values ]
'>package_list' = [ '' ]
'postinstall_script' = 'http://static/dockersetup'
Now we need to load the blueprint into contractor:
/usr/lib/contractor/util/blueprintLoader /root/dockerhost.toml
Normally for a few simple commands we could of used ostinstall_command_list, instead of the postinstall_script, but our setup is on the side of more complex. Edit /var/www/static/dockersetup and put this in it:
echo "Starting docker setup..."
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
Environment="http_proxy= https_proxy="
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable docker.service
echo "Done!"
With the BluePrint and it’s resources ready to go, we can create a structure with our new blueprint:
cat << EOF | curl -i "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Building/Structure
{ "site": "$SITE", "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:docker01:", "hostname": "docker01", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/StructureBluePrint:docker-host:" }
{"hostname": "docker01", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/StructureBluePrint:ubuntu-bionic-base:", "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:docker01:", "config_uuid": "bdf2fefc-299a-4b34-bc3c-894cea1411d7", "config_values": {">package_list": [""]}, "built_at": null, "updated": "2019-11-22T17:13:16.509773+00:00", "created": "2019-11-22T17:13:16.509800+00:00", "state": "planned"}
once again take node of the structure id. And again, let Contractor pick the ip address, Replace < structure id > with the structure id from the previous call:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CALL "${CHOST}${ADRBLK}(nextAddress)"
{ "networked": "/api/v1/Utilities/Networked:< structure id >:", "interface_name": "eth0", "is_primary": true }
Now the create jobs, replace the <structure id> with the structure id of the docker01 structure:
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Foundation:docker01:(doCreate)"
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Structure:< structure id >:(doCreate)"
Set up The Complex¶
Much like VCenter/Virtualbox, the containers belong to a complex. Now we create a Docker Complex
First we need to re-define our foundation related environment variables to do docker:
Environment setup:
export FBP="/api/v1/BluePrint/FoundationBluePrint:docker-container-base:"
export FMDL="/api/v1/Docker/DockerFoundation"
export FDATA=', "docker_complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:"'
Now to Create the Docker Complex:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex
{ "site": "$SITE", "name": "demodocker", "description": "Demo Docker Host/Complex" }
{"name": "demodocker", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "description": "Demo Docker Host/Complex", "built_percentage": 90, "updated": "2019-11-23T00:00:04.930488+00:00", "created": "2019-11-23T00:00:04.930524+00:00", "members": [], "state": "planned", "type": "Docker"}
Now we add the structure host we manually created as a member of the complex, replace < structure id > with the id from the vm from above:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Building/ComplexStructure
{ "complex": "/api/v1/Building/Complex:demodocker:", "structure": "/api/v1/Building/Structure:< structure id>:" }
{"complex": "/api/v1/Building/Complex:demodocker:", "structure": "/api/v1/Building/Structure:3:", "updated": "2019-11-23T00:01:12.093790+00:00", "created": "2019-11-23T00:01:12.093821+00:00"}
Docker containters don’t have their own IP address, they use the IP address of the host. To expose services Docker mapps ports thgrough, we need to give Contractor a list of Ports to use to map through:
for PORT in $(seq 6000 6050); do
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Docker/DockerPort
{ "complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "address_offset": 0, "port": $PORT }
{"complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "port": 6000, "address_offset": 0, "foundation": null, "foundation_index": 0, "updated": "2019-12-20T20:31:52.061279+00:00", "created": "2019-12-20T20:31:52.061299+00:00"}
{"complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "port": 6001, "address_offset": 0, "foundation": null, "foundation_index": 0, "updated": "2019-12-20T20:31:52.093897+00:00", "created": "2019-12-20T20:31:52.093918+00:00"}
{"complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "port": 6048, "address_offset": 0, "foundation": null, "foundation_index": 0, "updated": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.299457+00:00", "created": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.299482+00:00"}
{"complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "port": 6049, "address_offset": 0, "foundation": null, "foundation_index": 0, "updated": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.324446+00:00", "created": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.324469+00:00"}
{"complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "port": 6050, "address_offset": 0, "foundation": null, "foundation_index": 0, "updated": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.350806+00:00", "created": "2019-12-20T20:31:53.350848+00:00"}
Create a Container¶
First up the Foundation:
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/$FMDL
{ "site": "$SITE", "locator": "container01", "blueprint": "$FBP" $FDATA }
{"locator": "container01", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/FoundationBluePrint:docker-container-base:", "id_map": null, "located_at": null, "built_at": null, "updated": "2019-11-27T05:02:12.052970+00:00", "created": "2019-11-27T05:02:12.052984+00:00", "docker_complex": "/api/v1/Docker/DockerComplex:demodocker:", "docker_id": null, "state": "planned", "type": "Docker", "class_list": "['Docker']"}
Containers inherit the interface and ip address from their host, so we don’t create an interface. Next up create the structure:
cat << EOF | curl -i "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Building/Structure
{ "site": "$SITE", "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:container01:", "hostname": "container01", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/StructureBluePrint:ubuntu-bionic-base:", "config_values": { "docker_command": [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"use IO::Socket; my \\\\\$sock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost=>'', LocalPort=>'22', Proto=>'tcp', Listen=>1); while(1){ \\\\\$sock->accept(); };\" | perl" ], "port_list": [ "22/tcp" ] } }
{"hostname": "container01", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "blueprint": "/api/v1/BluePrint/StructureBluePrint:ubuntu-bionic-base:", "foundation": "/api/v1/Building/Foundation:container01:", "config_uuid": "f08daa97-3788-469d-a1ae-51cafe6e6af9", "config_values": {"docker_command": ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo \"use IO::Socket; my \\$sock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost=>'', LocalPort=>'22', Proto=>'tcp', Listen=>1); while(1){ \\$sock->accept(); };\" | perl"], "port_list": ["22/tcp"]}, "built_at": null, "updated": "2019-12-30T21:33:06.493784+00:00", "created": "2019-12-30T21:33:06.493825+00:00", "state": "planned"}
take note of the new structure id.
Note: we picked the same blueprint as we did for Ubuntu Bionic VMs, this blueprint not only has the configuration information for PXE installing, but also the name of official bionic container on docker hub.
Note 2: the docker_command in this case is just using the perl binary allready in the container to listen on port 22 so the port check will succeed. docker_command can be either a string or a list, in this case a list so we can control how it is parsed.
Now the create jobs, replace the <structure id> with the structure id of the container01 structure:
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Foundation:container01:(doCreate)"
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Structure:< structure id >:(doCreate)"
Due to the fact that the OS is installed as part of the container, the OS is “installed” during the foundation deploy, so that the foundation deploy deploys the correct OS, the foundation looks at the structure blueprint for the name of the container to download and install from dockerhub. The Structure create script detects that it is a container, and just does the port check to verify that ssh is running. Also with the container inheriting the ip address of the host, contractor will do the ssh port check for the port that has been assigned during the deploy.
if you ssh to the docker01 vm (ssh root@docker01 from the contractor vm, the root password should be root), and run a docker ps you will see our new container along with the forwared port:
root@docker01:~# docker ps -a
eb3c74946a2f ubuntu:bionic "/bin/sh -c 'echo \"u…" 31 seconds ago Up 14 seconds>22/tcp container01
Destruction and cleanup of the container is the same procedure as in the VM example:
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Structure:< structure id >:(doDestroy)"
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X CALL "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Foundation:container01:(doDestroy)"
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X DELETE "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Structure:< structure id >:"
curl "${COPS[@]}" -X DELETE "${CHOST}/api/v1/Building/Foundation:container01:"