
contractorcli is a client for working with Contractor, you can get a pre-built binary from


contractorcli’s config file is stored at ~/.contractorcli.ini. Here is an example file:

username: root
password: root


For most options you can use the flag -j or –json to output the results as JSON:

$ ./contractorcli site config site1
ntp_servers:  [contractor]
dns_search:   [site1.test test]
dns_servers:  []
domain_name:  site1.test

$ ./contractorcli -j site config site1
 "dns_search": [
 "dns_servers": [
 "domain_name": "site1.test",
 "mirror_proxy": "",
 "ntp_servers": [

Most commands can also be used in the interactive mode, for example:

$ ./contractorcli structure list
Id    Site    Hostname        Foundation      Blueprint       Created Updated
1     site1   contractor      contractor      manual-structure-base   2020-01-07 00:42:58.932884 +0000 +0000  2020-01-07 00:42:59.111802 +0000 +0000
2     site1   esx01   esx01   vmware-esx-base 2020-01-07 00:46:55.566979 +0000 +0000  2020-02-26 16:22:26.463778 +0000 +0000

$ ./contractorcli shell
contractor> structure list
Id    Site    Hostname        Foundation      Blueprint       Created Updated
1     site1   contractor      contractor      manual-structure-base   2020-01-07 00:42:58.932884 +0000 +0000  2020-01-07 00:42:59.111802 +0000 +0000
2     site1   esx01   esx01   vmware-esx-base 2020-01-07 00:46:55.566979 +0000 +0000  2020-02-26 16:22:26.463778 +0000 +0000


$ ./contractorcli version
  Version:    0.2
  Commit:     df562afc8f68dba32689c4981ad4973b7a57783c


For Sites, the name is also the id

List available sites:

$ ./contractorcli site list
Id    Name    Description     Created Updated
site1 site1   Initial Site "site1"    2020-01-07 00:42:58.664308 +0000 +0000  2020-02-25 05:53:39.14986 +0000 +0000

Get a Site:

$ ./contractorcli site get site1
Site:          site1
Description:   Initial Site "site1"
Zone:          site1
Config Values: map[dns_search:[site1.test test] dns_servers:[] domain_name:site1.test mirror_proxy: ntp_servers:[contractor]]
Created:       2020-01-07 00:42:58.664308 +0000 +0000
Updated:       2020-02-25 05:53:39.14986 +0000 +0000

Create a new Site:

$ ./contractorcli site create -d "New Site" -n nsite

Update an Existing site:

$ ./contractorcli site update nsite -d "New Description"

Delete a site:

$ ./contractorcli site delete nsite

Get Effective/Full/Compiled configuration for a site:

$ ./contractorcli site config site1 -f
__pxe_location:       http://static/pxe/
dns_search:   [site1.test test]
dns_servers:  []
domain_name:  site1.test
ntp_servers:  [contractor]
_site:        site1
__timestamp:  2020-03-07T04:46:04.873917+00:00
__pxe_template_location:      http://contractor/config/pxe_template/
__last_modified:      2020-02-25T05:53:39.149860+00:00
__contractor_host:    http://contractor/

Get the Configuration values for a site:

$ ./contractorcli site config site1
dns_servers:  []
domain_name:  site1.test
new:  value
ntp_servers:  [contractor]
dns_search:   [site1.test test]

Set/Add a new configuration value:

$ ./contractorcli site config site1 -n new -v value
dns_search:   [site1.test test]
dns_servers:  []
domain_name:  site1.test
ntp_servers:  [contractor]
new:  value

Delete/Remove configuration value:

$ ./contractorcli site config site1 -d new
dns_search:   [site1.test test]
dns_servers:  []
domain_name:  site1.test
ntp_servers:  [contractor]


For Structures the id is a number

NOTE: List, Get, Update, Create, Configuration sections are similar to Site

View Existing Job information (this is for structure 2):

$ ./contractorcli structure job 2 -i
Site           /api/v1/Site/Site:site1:
Structure      /api/v1/Building/Structure:2:
State:         waiting
Status:        []
Progress:      0.0
Script Name:   destroy
Can Start:     True
Updated:       2020-03-01 06:29:21.829421 +0000 +0000
Created:       2020-03-01 06:29:21.829439 +0000 +0000

Create a new Create(-c)/Destroy(-d) Job (this is for structure 1):

./contractorcli structure job 1 -d
job:  12

Show Job Status (this is for structure 1):

$ ./contractorcli structure job 1 -s
Variables: map[config.__contractor_host:http://contractor/ config.__last_modified:2020-03-07 04:47:44.194113+00:00 config.__pxe_location:http://static/pxe/ config.__pxe_template_location:http://contractor/config/pxe_template/c/1005b8d0-cefa-4c3f-b221-02d5b5332212 config.__timestamp:2020-03-07 04:52:48.310913+00:00 config._blueprint:manual-structure-base config._domain_name:site1.test config._foundation_class_list:['Metal', 'VM', 'Container', 'Switch', 'Manual'] config._foundation_id:contractor config._foundation_id_map:None config._foundation_interface_list:[{'name': 'enp0s8', 'network': 'main', 'address_list': [{'address': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 24, 'subnet': '', 'gateway': None, 'auto': True, 'mtu': 1500, 'sub_interface': None, 'primary': True, 'vlan': 0, 'tagged': False}], 'mac': None, 'physical_location': 'enp0s8'}] config._foundation_locator:contractor config._foundation_state:built config._foundation_type:Manual config._fqdn:contractor.site1.test config._hostname:contractor config._interface_map:{'enp0s8': {'name': 'enp0s8', 'network': 'main', 'address_list': [{'address': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 24, 'subnet': '', 'gateway': None, 'auto': True, 'mtu': 1500, 'sub_interface': None, 'primary': True, 'vlan': 0, 'tagged': False}], 'mac': None, 'physical_location': 'enp0s8'}} config._primary_address:{'address': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 24, 'subnet': '', 'gateway': None, 'auto': True, 'mtu': 1500, 'sub_interface': None, 'primary': True} config._primary_interface:enp0s8 config._primary_interface_mac:None config._provisioning_address:{'address': '', 'netmask': '', 'prefix': 24, 'subnet': '', 'gateway': None, 'auto': True, 'mtu': 1500, 'sub_interface': None, 'primary': True} config._provisioning_interface:enp0s8 config._provisioning_interface_mac:None config._site:site1 config._structure_config_uuid:1005b8d0-cefa-4c3f-b221-02d5b5332212 config._structure_id:1 config._structure_state:built config.dns_search:['site1.test', 'test'] config.dns_servers:[''] config.domain_name:site1.test config.mirror_proxy: config.ntp_servers:['contractor'] foundation.blueprint:manual-foundation-base foundation.class:<class 'contractor.plugins.Manual.models.ManualFoundation'> contractor foundation.interface_list:[<RealNetworkInterface: RealNetworkInterface "enp0s8" mac "None">] foundation.locator:contractor foundation.provisioning_interface:RealNetworkInterface "enp0s8" mac "None" foundation.type:Manual structure.hostname:contractor structure.primary_interface:RealNetworkInterface "enp0s8" mac "None" structure.primary_ip: structure.provisioning_interface:RealNetworkInterface "enp0s8" mac "None" structure.provisioning_ip:]
Script State: []
Script Line No: 0
-- Script --
# Uninstall Manual OS
pause( msg='Resume When OS is Uninstalled' )


For Foundations the Locator is also the id

NOTE: List, Get sections are similar to Site NOTE2: Job section is similar to Structure

List the foundation types that are supported by contractorcli and the contractor instance it is configured to talk to:

$ ./contractorcli foundation types
type: [docker manual virtualbox]

Get any type of foundation:

$ ./contractorcli foundation get esx01
Locator:       esx01
Type:          AMT
Site:          site1
Blueprint:     amt-base
Structure:     2
Id Map:        {'hardware': {'dmi': {'BIOS Info': [{'Vendor': 'Intel Corporation', 'Version': 'MYBDWi5v.86A.0039.2017.1016.1545', 'Release Date': '10/16/2017', 'BIOS Revision': '5.6'}], 'System Info': [{'Manufacturer': '', 'Product Name': '', 'Version': '', 'Serial Number': '', 'UUID': '4917D980-B0E4-11E5-BF2D-94C69110F1DC', 'SKU Number': '', 'Family': ''}], 'Base Board Information': [{'Manufacturer': 'Intel Corporation', 'Product Name': 'NUC5i5MYBE', 'Version': 'H47797-208', 'Serial Number': 'GEMY72300148', 'Asset Tag': '', 'Type': 'Motherboard'}], 'Chassis Information': [{'Manufacturer': '', 'Type': 'Desktop', 'Version': '', 'Serial Number': '', 'Asset Tag': '', 'Boot-up State': 'Safe', 'Power Supply State': 'Safe', 'Thermal State': 'Safe', 'Height': '0', 'Number Of Power Cords': '1', 'SKU Number': 'To be filled by O.E.M.'}], 'OEM Strings': [{'String 1': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'}], 'System Configuration Options': [{'Option 1': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'}], 'Processor Information': [{'Socket Designation': 'SOCKET 0', 'Family': 'Core i5', 'Manufacturer': 'Intel(R) Corporation', 'ID': '0xbfebfbff000306d4', 'Version': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz', 'Status': 'Enabled', 'Serial Number': 'NULL', 'Asset Tag': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M', 'Part Number': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M', 'Core Count': '2', 'Core Enabled': '2', 'Thread Count': '4'}], 'Memory Device': [{'Size': 'No Module Installed', 'Set': 'None', 'Locator': 'SODIMM0', 'Bank Locator': 'CHANNEL A DIMM0', 'Type': 'Unknown', 'Speed': 'Unknown', 'Manufacturer': 'Not Specified', 'Serial Number': 'Not Specified', 'Asset Tag': 'Not Specified', 'Part Number': 'Not Specified'}, {'Size': '16384 MB', 'Set': 'None', 'Locator': 'SODIMM1', 'Bank Locator': 'CHANNEL B DIMM0', 'Type': 'DDR3', 'Speed': '1600 MHz', 'Manufacturer': '1315', 'Serial Number': 'E06E80B7', 'Asset Tag': '9876543210', 'Part Number': 'CT204864BF160B.M16'}]}, 'pci': {'0000:00:00.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5636}, '0000:00:02.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5654}, '0000:00:03.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5644}, '0000:00:16.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40122}, '0000:00:16.03': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40125}, '0000:00:19.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5538}, '0000:00:1b.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40096}, '0000:00:1d.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40102}, '0000:00:1f.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40131}, '0000:00:1f.02': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40067}, '0000:00:1f.03': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40098}}, 'total_ram': 15910.9609375, 'total_cpu_count': 4, 'total_cpu_sockets': 1}, 'network': {'eth0': {'mac': '94:c6:91:10:f1:dc', 'lldp': {'mac': 'f0:9f:c2:19:56:05', 'name': 'DevSwitch', 'slot': 0, 'port': 7, 'subport': 0}, 'primary': True}}, 'disks': [{'protocol': 'ATA', 'serial': 'JR1000D33LS4YE', 'model': 'HGST HTS721010A9E630', 'name': 'sda', 'location': 'ATA 0', 'firmware': 'JB0OA3U0', 'capacity': 931.5133895874023, 'devpath': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0', 'pcipath': '/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0', 'isSSD': False, 'isVirtualDisk': False}, {'protocol': 'ATA', 'serial': '1710161C6AF5', 'model': 'Crucial_CT1050MX300S', 'name': 'sdb', 'location': 'ATA 3', 'firmware': 'M0CR040', 'capacity': 978.0885543823242, 'devpath': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/scsi_disk/3:0:0:0', 'pcipath': '/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0', 'isSSD': False, 'isVirtualDisk': False}]}
Class List:    []
State:         built
Located At:    2020-01-07 04:06:31.336942 +0000 +0000
Built At:      2020-01-07 04:10:14.123422 +0000 +0000
Created:       2020-01-07 00:46:42.322098 +0000 +0000
Updated:       2020-01-07 04:10:14.12944 +0000 +0000

Get specific type of foundation (Note the addition of AMT specific values):

$ ./contractorcli foundation amt get esx01
Locator:        esx01
AMT Username:   admin
AMT Password:   asdQWE1@3
AMT Ip Address:
Plot:           test
Type:           AMT
Site:           site1
Blueprint:      amt-base
Id Map:         {'hardware': {'dmi': {'BIOS Info': [{'Vendor': 'Intel Corporation', 'Version': 'MYBDWi5v.86A.0039.2017.1016.1545', 'Release Date': '10/16/2017', 'BIOS Revision': '5.6'}], 'System Info': [{'Manufacturer': '', 'Product Name': '', 'Version': '', 'Serial Number': '', 'UUID': '4917D980-B0E4-11E5-BF2D-94C69110F1DC', 'SKU Number': '', 'Family': ''}], 'Base Board Information': [{'Manufacturer': 'Intel Corporation', 'Product Name': 'NUC5i5MYBE', 'Version': 'H47797-208', 'Serial Number': 'GEMY72300148', 'Asset Tag': '', 'Type': 'Motherboard'}], 'Chassis Information': [{'Manufacturer': '', 'Type': 'Desktop', 'Version': '', 'Serial Number': '', 'Asset Tag': '', 'Boot-up State': 'Safe', 'Power Supply State': 'Safe', 'Thermal State': 'Safe', 'Height': '0', 'Number Of Power Cords': '1', 'SKU Number': 'To be filled by O.E.M.'}], 'OEM Strings': [{'String 1': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'}], 'System Configuration Options': [{'Option 1': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M.'}], 'Processor Information': [{'Socket Designation': 'SOCKET 0', 'Family': 'Core i5', 'Manufacturer': 'Intel(R) Corporation', 'ID': '0xbfebfbff000306d4', 'Version': 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz', 'Status': 'Enabled', 'Serial Number': 'NULL', 'Asset Tag': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M', 'Part Number': 'To Be Filled By O.E.M', 'Core Count': '2', 'Core Enabled': '2', 'Thread Count': '4'}], 'Memory Device': [{'Size': 'No Module Installed', 'Set': 'None', 'Locator': 'SODIMM0', 'Bank Locator': 'CHANNEL A DIMM0', 'Type': 'Unknown', 'Speed': 'Unknown', 'Manufacturer': 'Not Specified', 'Serial Number': 'Not Specified', 'Asset Tag': 'Not Specified', 'Part Number': 'Not Specified'}, {'Size': '16384 MB', 'Set': 'None', 'Locator': 'SODIMM1', 'Bank Locator': 'CHANNEL B DIMM0', 'Type': 'DDR3', 'Speed': '1600 MHz', 'Manufacturer': '1315', 'Serial Number': 'E06E80B7', 'Asset Tag': '9876543210', 'Part Number': 'CT204864BF160B.M16'}]}, 'pci': {'0000:00:00.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5636}, '0000:00:02.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5654}, '0000:00:03.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5644}, '0000:00:16.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40122}, '0000:00:16.03': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40125}, '0000:00:19.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 5538}, '0000:00:1b.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40096}, '0000:00:1d.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40102}, '0000:00:1f.00': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40131}, '0000:00:1f.02': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40067}, '0000:00:1f.03': {'vendor': 32902, 'device': 40098}}, 'total_ram': 15910.9609375, 'total_cpu_count': 4, 'total_cpu_sockets': 1}, 'network': {'eth0': {'mac': '94:c6:91:10:f1:dc', 'lldp': {'mac': 'f0:9f:c2:19:56:05', 'name': 'DevSwitch', 'slot': 0, 'port': 7, 'subport': 0}, 'primary': True}}, 'disks': [{'protocol': 'ATA', 'serial': 'JR1000D33LS4YE', 'model': 'HGST HTS721010A9E630', 'name': 'sda', 'location': 'ATA 0', 'firmware': 'JB0OA3U0', 'capacity': 931.5133895874023, 'devpath': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/scsi_disk/0:0:0:0', 'pcipath': '/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0', 'isSSD': False, 'isVirtualDisk': False}, {'protocol': 'ATA', 'serial': '1710161C6AF5', 'model': 'Crucial_CT1050MX300S', 'name': 'sdb', 'location': 'ATA 3', 'firmware': 'M0CR040', 'capacity': 978.0885543823242, 'devpath': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/scsi_disk/3:0:0:0', 'pcipath': '/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0', 'isSSD': False, 'isVirtualDisk': False}]}
Class List:     ['Physical', 'AMT']
State:          built
Located At:     2020-01-07 04:06:31.336942 +0000 +0000
Built At:       2020-01-07 04:10:14.123422 +0000 +0000
Created:        2020-01-07 00:46:42.322098 +0000 +0000
Updated:        2020-01-07 04:10:14.12944 +0000 +0000

Update and Create are similar to Site except that you must specify the type of foundation:

$ ./contractorcli foundation amt update rtest -b amt-base


For Complexes the Name is also the id

NOTE: works much like the foundations except there is no Job control


For Blueprints the name is also the id

NOTE: List, Get, Update, Create, Configuration sections are similar to Site