
Create an Ubuntu Bionic(18.04LTS) VM, name it contractor, set the fqdn to contractor.site1.test Ideally it should be in a /24 network. Offset 1 is assumed to be the gateway. All these values can be adjusted either in the setupWizard file before it is run, or after it is setup, you can use the API to edit these values. The DNS server will be set for the contractor VM, and bind on the contractor vm will be set to forward to the DNS server that was originally configured on the VM.

From Source

From Source

From Packages

From Prebuilt Packages


we will be using curl, make sure it is installed:

sudo apt install -y curl

Set up Infrastructure

To prevent your new contractor VM from taking over the network you are curently connected to, you will need to configure a issloated network. There are also some other Infrastructure related tasks that need to be done.

VCenter/ESX Setup

VirtualBox Setup

IPMI Setup

AMT Setup

Docker Setup

the ubuntu toml package is to old, update with:

sudo apt install -y python3-pip
sudo pip3 install toml --upgrade

Create Database

Install Postgres:

sudo apt install -y postgresql-client postgresql-10 mongodb-server

Create the postgres db:

sudo su postgres -c "echo \"CREATE ROLE contractor WITH PASSWORD 'contractor' NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE LOGIN;\" | psql"
sudo su postgres -c "createdb -O contractor contractor"

NOTE, for those two commands you may see something like:

could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied

this is from the su command, thoes messages can be ignored

Configure Apache

We will need a HTTP site to serve up static resources, as well as a Proxy server to bridge from the isolated network. This proxy server will also cache. We are using Apache to Proxy with for this example, however you can use any proxy you would like, just update the proxy-server parameter to the setupWizard call.

There is a script that will the apache setup. Download and make it executable:

chmod +x

If you do NOT have an upstream proxy:

sudo ./

If you do have an upstream proxy:

UPSTREAM_PROXY=<upstream proxy, ie: http://myproxy:3128/> sudo ./

Setup the Database

Now to create the db:

/usr/lib/contractor/util/ migrate

Install the iputils functions, this contains the port check function contractor will use to verify the OS has booted:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-iputils_*.respkg

Install base os config:

sudo respkg -i contractor-os-base_*.respkg

If you are going to use IPMI or AMT, Install the disks package, this has the bootstrap, set-rtc, and disk-wipe PXE images:

sudo respkg -i disks-contractor_*.respkg

Now to enable plugins. We use manual for misc stuff that is either pre-configured or handled by something else:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-manual_*.respkg

if you are using ESX/VCenter:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-vcenter_*.respkg

if you are using Virtualbox:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-virtualbox_*.respkg

if you are using IPMI:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-ipmi_*.respkg

if you are using AMT:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-amt_*.respkg

if you are using Docker:

sudo respkg -i contractor-plugins-docker_*.respkg

restart apache so it loads the newly enabled plutings:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Now to configure the base contractor information, this includes configuring bind. This command will prompt you for the password to use for the root user that we will be using for API calls. Set < interface name > to the name of the interface on the internal network:

sudo /usr/lib/contractor/setup/setupWizard --no-ip-reservation --dns-server= --proxy-server= --ntp-server=contractor --primary-interface=< interface name >

It is safe to ignore the message:

rndc: connect failed: connection refused
WARNING: "rndc reload" failed

Bind (the DNS server) is not running yet, it will be started later.

Environment Setup

We will be using the HTTP API to inject new stuff into contractor. You can run these commands from either the contractor VM, or any place that can make http requests to contractor.

First we will define some Environment values so we don’t have to keep tying redundant info the Contractor server. This is assuming you will be running these commands from the contractor VM, if you are running these steps from someplace else, update the ip address to the ip address of the contractor vm:

export COPS=( --noproxy \* --header "CInP-Version: 0.9" --header "Content-Type: application/json" )
export SITE="/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:"
export CHOST=""

COPS is defining some curl options. SITE defines the uri of the site we are going to use, and CHOST is the URL to the Contractor server.

now we need to login, replace the < password > with the password you passed to setupWizard (the –root-password paramater):

echo '{ "username": "root", "password": "< password >" }' | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CALL $CHOST/api/v1/Auth/User\(login\)

which will output something like:


which will return a auth token, save that to our headers, replace < username > with the API username, and < auth token > with the result of the last command:

COPS+=( --header "Auth-Id: root")
COPS+=( --header "Auth-Token: < auth token >" )

This is adding more headers to our curl options, from here on our curl operations are authenticated. Let’s make sure our login is working:

echo '{}' | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CALL $CHOST/api/v1/Auth/User\(whoami\)

that should output your username, for example:


HTTP Requests Note

As you may of noticed from the Authentication requests, each request has some JSON encoded request data, as well as a JSON encoded response. Contractor uses a REST like HTTP-JSON library called CInP, which can be found at CInP is the reason for the CInP-Version: 0.9 HTTP Header. Going forward most requests are going to use the heredoc method for passing the request body to curl. If you are not familure with this method, keep in mind that for requests the require modification (ie: the have <something> in them), don’t copy paste everything at once, generally it works to copy paste everything but the last EOF then back arrow, fix what ever values you need to fix, go to the end, hit <enter> then type in the closing EOF. The requests that don’t need modification, you can copy paste all at once.

Some requests create objects, when -X CREATE is used with curl, the id of the created object is found in the header Object-Id, for example:

Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 23:42:17 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cinp-Version: 0.9
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Method, Type, Cinp-Version, Count, Position, Total, Multi-Object, Object-Id, Id-Only
Cache-Control: no-cache
Object-Id: /api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:2:
Content-Length: 318
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8

{"name": "internal", "size": "254", "_max_address": "", "gateway_offset": null, "updated": "2019-05-23T23:42:17.180084+00:00", "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "netmask": "", "subnet": "", "created": "2019-05-23T23:42:17.180121+00:00", "gateway": null, "isIpV4": "True", "prefix": 24}

The url of that newly created AddressBlock is /api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:2:, generally we are only concerned with the id which is between the : in this case the id is 2. We will point out when you need to take note of id of a created object.

For the most part when we display the output of a request, we are not going to show the headers, just the response body.

Network Configuration

The setupWizard has pre-loaded the database with a stand in host to represent the contractor VM and has flagged it as pre-built. It has also created a site called site1 and some base DNS configuration. It also took the network of the primary interface and loaded it into the database as the Network main, and AddressBlock name main.

First we need to set an Environment variable for the existing AddressBlock:

export ADRBLK="/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:"

Now to create network for the internal network. Contractor will use the name of the Network to know what virtual network to select when deploying VMs. Replace < network name > with the name of the network created in vcenter (ie: internal) or virtual box (ie: vboxnet0), for IPMI and AMT, use ‘internal’:

cat << EOF | curl -i "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Utilities/Network
{ "site": "$SITE", "name": "< network name >" }


{"name": "vboxnet0", "address_block_list": [], "site": "/api/v1/Site/Site:site1:", "created": "2019-10-24T17:55:09.024672+00:00", "updated": "2019-10-24T17:55:09.024647+00:00"}

Take note of the id of that created AddressBlock. Set another environment variable to the Id value, replace the < id > to the id of the above id:

export NETWORK="/api/v1/Utilities/Network:< id >:"

Now to attach the AddressBlock to the Network:

cat << EOF | curl -i "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Utilities/NetworkAddressBlock
{ "network": "$NETWORK", "address_block": "$ADRBLK" }


{"network": "/api/v1/Utilities/Network:2:", "vlan": 0, "vlan_tagged": false, "address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:2:", "updated": "2019-10-24T17:58:54.146006+00:00", "created": "2019-10-24T17:58:54.146044+00:00"}

now to reserve some ip addresses so they do not get auto assigned:

for OFFSET in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20; do
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Utilities/ReservedAddress
{ "address_block": "$ADRBLK", "offset": "$OFFSET", "reason": "Network Reserved" }


{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 2, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.350596+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.350625+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 3, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.384282+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.384306+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 4, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.420326+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.420348+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 5, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.445826+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.445852+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 6, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.471761+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.471781+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 7, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.496654+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.496676+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 8, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.524865+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.524899+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 9, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.552813+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.552836+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 11, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.579828+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.579867+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 12, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.607718+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.607740+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 13, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.636675+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.636697+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 14, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.662100+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.662127+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 15, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.688283+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.688311+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 16, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.715900+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.715922+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 17, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.745761+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.745797+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 18, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.772841+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.772863+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 19, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.800554+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.800588+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 20, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.827612+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:26.827637+00:00", "reason": "Network Reserved", "type": "ReservedAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}

If you are installing to AMT/IPMI you will need some dynamic Ips for devices we do not yet have MAC addresses for, we are going to set these to PXE boot to the bootstrap image, if you are not going to to AMT/IPMI, skip this step, you probably do not have the bootstrap PXE image loaded:

for OFFSET in 21 22 23 24 25; do
cat << EOF | curl "${COPS[@]}" --data @- -X CREATE $CHOST/api/v1/Utilities/DynamicAddress
{ "address_block": "$ADRBLK", "offset": "$OFFSET", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:" }


{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 21, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.380257+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.380307+00:00", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:", "type": "DynamicAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 22, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.415840+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.415876+00:00", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:", "type": "DynamicAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 23, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.448887+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.448930+00:00", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:", "type": "DynamicAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 24, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.475547+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.475569+00:00", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:", "type": "DynamicAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}
{"address_block": "/api/v1/Utilities/AddressBlock:1:", "offset": 25, "updated": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.501742+00:00", "created": "2019-11-05T02:58:45.501762+00:00", "pxe": "/api/v1/BluePrint/PXE:bootstrap:", "type": "DynamicAddress", "ip_address": "", "subnet": "", "netmask": "", "prefix": "24", "gateway": null}

Starting DNS

Restart bind with new zones:

sudo systemctl restart bind9

Now to force a re-gen of the DNS files:

sudo /usr/lib/contractor/cron/genDNS

This VM needs to use the contractor generated dns, so edit the file in /etc/netplan/ to set the dns server to “”, and set the dns search to “site1.test site1”. For example:

      search: [site1.test test]
      addresses: []

then apply the networking configuration:

sudo netplan apply

now let’s see if the network and bind settings are working properly:

host static


static.site1.test is an alias for contractor.site1.test.
contractor.site1.test has address <contractor ip>
contractor.site1.test is an alias for enp0s8.contractor.site1.test.

The “search” value from netplan file is used to convert “static” to “static.site1.test”. The first line resolving the alias is from the bind file that contractor just generated. The second line is systemd-resolved reading your /etc/hosts file to resolve contractor.site1.test. The third line is from bind as well.

NOTE: if you were to:

dig @ +short static.site1.test

you would get:


which results in a different ip address, this is the result from external hosts resolving against bind. In this case systemd-resolved is not consulted, and the value in your /etc/hosts file is not used. If you would like the same result externally and internally, you can either cut systemd-resolvd out of the loop internally or edit your /etc/hosts file and change the ip address(<contractor ip>) to the ip of the internal interface(

now take a look at the contractor ui at http://<contractor ip>, (this ip is the ip you assigned to the first interface)


install tfptd (used for PXE booting) and the PXE booting agent:

sudo apt install -y tftpd-hpa
sudo respkg -i contractor-ipxe_*.respkg

now edit /etc/subcontractor.conf enable the modules you want to use, remove the ‘;’ and set the 0 to a 1. The 1 means one task for that plugin at a time. If you want to be able to process more targets at the same time, you can try 2 or 4 depending on the plugin, the resources of your vm, etc. You may also want to change the poll_interval to 5, this will cause subcontractor to ask for more tasks every 5 seconds instead of the default 20. If we were setting up a system that would be processing a lot of tasks, we would want to slow this down to reduce the overhead on contractor. In the dhcpd section, make sure listen_interface and tftp_server are correct, tftp_server should be the ip of the vm on the new internal interface.

now start up subcontractor:

sudo systemctl start subcontractor
sudo systemctl start dhcpd

make sure they are running:

sudo systemctl status subcontractor
sudo systemctl status dhcpd

optional, edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa and add ‘-v ‘ to TFTP_OPTIONS. This will cause tfptd to log transfers to syslog. This can be helpful in troubleshooting boot problems. Make sure to run systemctl restart tftpd-hpa to reload.

Next Steps

If you are installing to VCenter or VirtualBox: Setting up VM Host

If you are installing on a BareMetal/IPMI machine: Setup Bare-metal